Friday, April 18, 2008 Y 12:33 AM

Will blog right after the exams! Ending in 12 days time! Whee! Happiness! =)

Sunday, April 06, 2008 Y 3:54 PM

3 more official school days to go...I can't believe graduation is nearing. Mixed feelings. I believe many graduates-to-be are having the same thoughts as me. But let's look forward and embrace our own futures with big, wide open arms! =)

Exams in about one week's time. Giving it my best shot for the final semester.

I'll be bringing my camera to school for the next few days! Gonna bring some lovely memories back with me before I leave NTU!

Saturday is lovey dovey day with my honey honey! Taking a little break off from all the mugging...he makes me happy! =)
