Saturday, January 02, 2010 Y 11:51 PM

HAPPY 2010! Credits to my talented colleague, Darren Peng for the above masterpiece! Yes, the party pies! HAHA!

Just came back from Tampines 1 Uniqlo with my Honey Pie and we lugged back a whole bag of winter wear in preparation for our Japan trip next March/April! Both of us are really excited about the trip! Headed to NTUC Finest after that to grab some groceries. Yakult, Marigold yogurt, ham, cheese and bread! Yums. Honey Pie shared with me his new year resolutions which I am totally supportive and proud of! What's yours? Let me share mine!

1) To lead a healthy lifestyle and change my eating habits. Less carbohydrates, less junk food, less meat, more vegetables and fruits!

2) To maintain my jogging regime, at least a 2.4km every week!

3) Spend more time with my loved ones instead of spending so much time at work.

4) Spend less and save more money!

Met my girls on the eve of New Year's Eve at SoulOut, Pasir Ris Farmway. Had dinner and gift exchange!

That's enough updates for now! Hope to be back with more exciting news!